Manually Remove Dust and Water From Speaker

Fix My Speaker: How to Manually Remove Dust and Water From Your Speaker to Restore Sound Quality

Did you ever experience your speaker sound all muffled? like its trapped under a wet towel? May be it took a little shower or some dust all over from those pocket? Either way don’t worry! Lets bring that sound back to life.

Indications your speaker needs help

How to know your speaker has a problem? here are some of the signs.
  • Muffled or cracking sound: Like its talking through a mouth full of food.
  • Distorted sound: More like a sad thump than a deep boom.
  • Decreased volume: Even on high volume, it sounds whisper.
  • Sudden buzzing: Its dust interfering with your sound.

The Culprits: Water and Dust 

Dust and water are the main culprits entering into the small holes of the speaker. Dust builds up over a period of time, blocking sound frequencies. Water sneaks the speaker layer and creates chaos with the vibration, leading to a lifeless sound.

Dust Issue: Then Blow it out

  • Use soft brush: To remove those loose particles. No need to put extra pressure.
  • Use sticky tape: Gently pat to remove those stubborn particles.
  • Use Vacuum: A hand help Vacuum to suck those hidden particles.

Water Issue: Dry, shake 

  • Turn if off immediately: Unplug from charging socket  or power off to avoid over heating and other severe damages to the phone.
  • Use a speaker cleaning tool: There are many tool available online that uses sound frequencies to eject water and dust.
  • Silica gel or rice method: Cover your phone with silica gel or rice overnight to soak up the moisture out.

Prevention tips

  • Use of phone case: This will add an extra layer of protection to your phone speakers.
  • Clean regularly: Use a clean and soft brush to prevent collection of dust.
  • Keep it dry: Try to avoid taking your phone to a moist environment ex: near the pool or near the shower.

When to call it quits:

If you have tried everything but the sound is still not up to the mark, then its time to visit a pro. Its best to hand over the phone to repair shop  Check if the phone is under warranty period. 
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